DAYTON, Ohio -- The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force broke ground today on a new $35.4 million building that will house aircraft from the museum's Presidential, Research and Development (R&D) and Global Reach collection, as well as a new and expanded Space Gallery.

The 224,000 square foot building, which is scheduled to open to the public in 2016, is being privately financed by the Air Force Museum Foundation, a non-profit organization chartered to assist in the development and expansion of the museum's facilities.

On Thursday, May 15, Jill Kincer, as president of the Beavercreek Historical Society, presented the Beavercreek Board of Education with a stone from the foundation of Beavercreek's first schoolhouse -- a schoolhouse built on land provided by Jacob Coy, for whom Beavercreek's Coy Middle School is named. This stone will be incorporated into the design of the district's new preschool building, which will be located on the site of the current Board of Education/Central Office Building at 3040 Kemp Road.

Mrs. Kincer's remarks to the Board follow:

Monday, 26 May 2014 19:45

A Memorial Day To Remember...

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On May 26, 2014, the city of Beavercreek hosted it's annual Memorial Day Event at Veteran's Memorial Park.  The event kicked off with the St. Andrew Pipes and Drums rendition of Amazing Grace, followed by a welcome and opening remarks by Mayor Brian Jarvis and the Invocation by Pastor Paul Craig.

The American Legion Post 763 posted the Colors and VFW Post 8312 raised the Flags over the event followed by the Boy Scouts leading the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Saturday, 10 May 2014 18:14

Da Plane! Da Plane! Tattoo is BACK!

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Freedom's Call, a cost-free family orientated celebration, will have something for everyone. For adults, there will be live music from St. Andrews Pipes & Drums, The Kate Hastings Band, This Side Up and the popular Air Force Band of Flight. To harness young ones energy, there will be a children's play area with various activities. For those seeking food and drink, local vendors will be on hand to satisfy your request. The night will be capped off with a spectacular fireworks display lighting the night sky, starting at 10:00 p.m. Come out and enjoy the evening with the family at this Star Spangled event!

With $5 million remaining after the completion of its 2008 bond-funded facilities program, the Beavercreek City Schools Board of Education voted Thursday evening to address some of the district’s outstanding facilities needs, approving four construction projects that include: 

Are you as SICK of the stink bug invasion of Beavercreek as we are?!  HATE THEM!!  I think we were all hoping that our miserable winter would have taken care of them... but research and reality is proving that to not be the case.  Rob Venette, a Forest Service Research Biologist reports that temperatures must reach -20°F to even faze them (nor the dreaded Emerald Ash Borer).  So what we've experienced is a little correction that may have thinned their ranks, but as the warm weather returns - so are they.

So what can you do?

Monday, 07 April 2014 16:45

The Creek Is Really Flowing!

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We have a GREAT FUTURE in Beavercreek, short term and on the horizon!  Spirits are high, new businesses and restaurants are opening, homes are selling and our community is booming!  We're looking forward to a number of exciting projects...


  • The McAfee Sports Center - Two generations of youth have learned the joy of athletics through Beavercreek Stars basketball at Henley Hall.

Students in grades K-8 will receive iPads with personalized content to support their individual academic growth

BEAVERCREEK, Ohio, Tuesday, December 17, 2013 – An innovative proposal from Beavercreek Schools that offers kindergarten through eighth grade students more targeted, personalized instruction is one of 24 projects that will receive grant money from the Straight A Fund established in the most recent state budget.

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